This week at the OYC, we consider the future and plan accordingly!
The world continues to face a time of change, a response is necessary. Many churches are hiring specially trained, online campus ministers (only kidding). The reality is that campus ministry during this season looks very different. There will be challenges for the young disciples who went from a supportive and energetic community to video calls from home.
As schools around the country hope to reopen in the fall, campus ministries will be restarting and will need the boost and support of mature disciples ready to lead and give.
Perhaps the virus left you unscathed; job, health, routine, stability all intact. Or maybe you were hit hard and the future seems uncertain. In either case, God’s call is the same, that we are to be followers of His son Jesus, bringing light to darkness, declaring the praises of Him who called us out of that very darkness.
Spring term is nixed, summer unlikely, and even fall is up for debate. As colleges and campus ministries face the predicament of what scenarios to plan for, we ask you to consider what way you could serve God’s mission in the fall. There is a reason that college campuses hold such a focus for evangelism; it is a perfect storm of independence and uncertainty. A time in which wisdom is sought and new paths traveled. God’s wisdom and path ought to be as available as can be for those who have ears to hear.
Many international borders around the world are closed with no sure timetable for reopening. At the OYC, we want to focus on serving the needs of our US Campus Ministry sites.
Over the next several weeks, different Campus sites will “takeover” the OYC Instagram page! They will give you a window into what life is like at their campus and in their community.

New Content on the One Year Challenge Blog :
Church Plants, Fight for Community During COVID-19 This article takes a look at what could challenges church plants, in particular, are experiencing at this time. “COVID-19 does some interesting things, but it doesn’t have the ability to turn these biblical commands into suggestions.”
Monday Music: Songs from OYC Sites Around the World “Men Who Dream”, from the NYC Church of Christ, this song comes to you virtually at just the right time!
What We’re Reading Today: “Golden Rule Leadership”. Highly recommended to anyone in ministry leadership or aspiring to be, this book takes a deep look into Jesus’ example and the golden rule of Luke 6:31. “The sense of being loved, appreciated, accepted and esteemed does more to draw people and old people than anything we can think of.” Each week we post a selection from a book disciples considering going on a One Year Challenge could read as part of their preparation.
Zoom In: Papa New Guinea “When the government announced a countrywide lockdown on March 24, the excellent reputation of the clinic staff and volunteers inspired officials in the nation’s capital of Port Moresby to partner with our clinics on the front lines in the fight against COVID-19. Working with government leaders, HOPE worldwide is training hundreds of nurses who will test our regular patients, as well as vulnerable and materially poor citizens in the city, for the virus.” Find out more about the situation in Papa New Guinea and what Hope is doing to serve!
Thursday Links: University Uncertainty: Get more information about universities around the country and the discussion around reopening campuses.