On Saturday, September 28, a 7.7 earthquake and 30+ aftershocks shook Palu, Indonesia and many surrounding areas. A tsunami of at least six meters (20 feet) was reported and as a result of the strong aftershocks thousands of homes have collapsed, along with hospitals, hotels and a shopping center.
Here is what we know as of 11 am ET on 9/29:
- 1,193 dead as reported at the Mayor’s relief post
- 129 camp sites
- Many villages are still unreachable
- Main airport closed for military use only
- Looting has occured in some areas
- Transportation is limited. HOPE worldwide relief teams from Manado are reaching there by land. Teams from Jakarta and Makasar are still trying to reach the area.
- There will be a great need on the ground
What we know from HOPEww’s local church partner in Palu:
- All safe. Only one had a cut on the head. He has been treated.
- One family lost their house from the tsunami , as well as his shop.
- 21 people are staying at a member’s yard. They are using one tiny tent. No electricity, no fuel. Food and water supplies are very scarce. They go out daily to find ways to add their supplies.
- Relief teams from HOPEww from three cities are trying to reach them.
Pray for Palu. Please consider supporting the Disaster Response Fund as HOPEww is actively supporting multiple response efforts globally.