Dear family and friends around the world,
It is with a heavy heart that I write this letter, as the Ukraine has been invaded and our fellowship of seven churches and over 2000 disciples are in grave danger. At this hour, the church is communicating and connecting daily in their house churches to encourage one another daily, as well as sharing verses to strengthen our minds and hearts. Thankfully there is still internet and cell service so the disciples are able to communicate and pray together.
Many of our brothers and sisters are awaken with bombs, and rockets shaking their homes and apartment buildings. Three times today, I was not able to reach Andy Fleming as he was in a bomb shelter. Pray for the cities where we have churches in Summa, Kharkov, Dniepr, Kyiv, Odessa, Lviv, Kropotnitsky and Vinnetsa, as well as those trying to get out today. The line of cars backs up 25 miles long to the border.
My wife and I are currently 70 miles from the border in Moldova, receiving refugees from our fellowship and setting up to take care of hundreds of brothers and sisters and their families as they seek shelter. We are here with the incredible RevivEE 2.0 team that are serving God in an amazing way.
Please pray for the disciples in the Ukraine! Please pray for their safety and for God to protect our hearts. Pray for the world leaders, who can impact this situation and that the chaos of these events will stop. Pray for our brothers and sister in Russia, as I know that even at this hour they are pouring out prayers for their family in the Ukraine. Pray for wisdom and resources as we will try to meet the needs of a few thousand brothers and sisters who might not have a home, work or basic food and medicine in the middle of a COVID pandemic. Pray for me.
I am overwhelmed with tears and gratitude to know the hearts of those who read this, and the love that is poured out for us over the last 30 years of serving and building churches in the Ukraine and Russia. May our love for one another at this hour convince this lost world that we are HIS disciples.
Please follow our page on Facebook as we will come together daily as a global fellowship to pray and be informed of our fellowship in the Ukraine.
Click here to donate to benevolence and relief for our brothers and sisters in Ukraine (HOPE worldwide).
Click here to donate to ministers and missionaries in Ukraine (European Missions Society).
We love you,
Shawn and Lena Wooten