The Luwero church was planted in 2012 and led by Richard and Florence Ahenda.
The planting was preceded by Bible talks which drew 30 people per meeting. This inspired the leaders in Kampala to faithfully plant the church. A venue was identified and those who were studying the Bible started to meet for church services led by different Bible talk leaders of the church in Kampala.
In 2013 the church in Kampala, with the support of the Treasure Valley Church of Christ in Idaho, sent Hillary and Annet Musinguzi to lead a small group of disciples that had been baptized.

Over the last five years, the church, located in Luwero district in the Central region of Uganda and approximately 75km from Kampala, has grown to 21 disciples with a vibrant singles and marrieds ministry.

Prayer requests
1. Baptism goal is 10. Three single ladies, three single men and two couples.
2. Fundraising for land. Our goal is to raise $30,000in two years.
3. We want to launch our campus ministry in August. We have been currently facing challenges with registering our campus programs with the Kampala University (Luwero branch) administration.
4. We are praying for marriages, and single brothers and sisters to find spouses in the church.
5. We want to keep all the disciples saved.
Cultural challenges
Luwero is a rural town so the illiteracy levels are high. The few who read and write knowthe local language, which sometimes limits our outreach to the illiterate.
There is a lot of witchcraft and African religions. Mosthills are homes to major shrines and a big number of the population who go tochurches also go to shrines. The influence of the prosperity gospel stopspeople from appreciating deeper Bible study.

Retreats and events
In the past two years, the church in Luwero hosted the campus and singles retreat. The campus ministries in Kampala and Luwero were treated to a simple, conducive natural ambiance induced by Luwero’s natural vegetation. Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, the students had great lessons, games and faith building group activities. Months later, the singles ministry was hosted in Luwero town to a great time of learning, fellowship and faith building team work.
The church in Kampala has been encouraged by the hospitality and maturity of their sister church in Luwero.
Besides the retreats, the church has a very competitive games day where different teams in the church compete against each other. This event has in the past led us to people who have become disciples. Regular singles’ hangouts and marrieds’ activities have helped the church to stay strong and united.

Spiritual growth
We believe that personal spiritual growth is key to the growth of the church. In 2015, we started teaching the disciples how to build a great relationship with God. We conducted workshops on solid foundations and first principles. Discipling and one-another relationships were encouraged to be intentional and purposeful. The end result was disciples growing in their relationship with God and each other. The church is united and there is great fellowship. Some disciples who were weak and struggling have now taken leadership responsibilities and are doing well.

Community activities
The church in Luwero has been impacting the community both spiritually and physically. Physically, we identified a need for hygiene and clean sanitation in one of our referral health centers. The church therefore helps this particular health facility to clean their compound and washrooms regularly. This has brought praise to the name of Jesus whom we serve as we reach out to our community.
To God be all the glory.