Each week, we will be praying for a different region of the world through the Global Prayer Chain. Sign up and join people around the world in prayer!
- Southwest Florida Church of Christ: For the first time in our church history here in Southwest Florida, we are hiring a campus minister starting in January to plant the Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU), which has 15,000 full-time students. Please be praying for God to move powerfully!
- The 1200 Church – Tallahassee: By hosting their second annual Community Backpack Giveaway August 3rd, please pray that we can help relieve families in a financial way and be a light in our community.
- Campus View Church – Gainesville: Having the “old” Crossroads Church (Campus Church of Christ) and the Gainesville Christian Church come together as one church is an answered prayer for so many brothers and sisters around the Kingdom. Continued prayers are much needed and appreciated as we continue to transition two very different church cultures into one unified body. In addition to this, our prayer is that some how, someway this merger of an ICOC congregation and a main line church of Christ can be a catalyst and an example to our brothers and sisters in other cities for possible mergers. We believe that we are better together than we are apart and that there is so much that both can learn from one another.
- Crossview Church – Lakeland: We have 22 members right now. The goal will be to double our membership by March 1, 2020; have 10 baptisms and strengthen the disciples so that every disciple is making progress in their walk with God. Also, we want to financially be able to hire a young couple to lead the church by March 1, 2020.
- One Miami Church: We are seeking to plant/expand the campus ministry at University of Miami. Also, we pray to plant a new church indown town Miami.
- Broward Church: We are asking God to convert and raise up mento serve and lead.
- Palm Beach Church: Three families are in the process of adopting their foster children (six kids in total). We ask for prayers to grow this trend of families taking care of modern day orphans (children who are removed from their homes due to neglect, abuse and abandonment).
- Anchor Point Church – Tampa: We ask for prayers to convert single men.