The Book of Acts has come alive in Eastern Europe
Two years ago, we launched our first RevivEE team headed to Hungary with the De Los Santos family to strengthen and build up the church in Budapest. After making every effort we possibly could, the Lord redirected us to Ukraine, where we served the Odessa church for almost nine months with the RevivEE team leading to more than a dozen baptisms that continue to bear fruit today.
With RevivEE 2.0, we decided to head to Croatia with the Hoovers now leading the work in the Zagreb Church. After making every effort, the Lord only opened a door to Moldova. Never expecting to find ourselves in Moldova, we quickly attempted to get documents to stay in case we could not get into Croatia. After having our documents rejected in Moldova, the team gathered after the Christmas break in Odessa, Ukraine and decided to head out to Turkey concluding that God had decided for us to preach the Gospel in Turkey (while continuing to appeal the rejection of our documents in Moldova). God was gracious to us, and we were back in Moldova in just two weeks, thanks to a miracle (a story for another time).
Three weeks later, war broke out in Ukraine. Hundreds of brothers and sisters and children from Odessa, who we were with just one month earlier, ended up in Chisinau, back with the RevivEE team. The hotel, along with the surrounding area that RevivEE had been building a network of support with since October, has now become the “Center of HOPE” refugee center! God was moving us two years ago to be in position to serve Ukrainian Christians in Chisinau at this very hour.
God has blessed the RevivEE 2.0 team in a generous way, as today we added our sixth new disciple, and another 58 are studying the Bible! The “places and times” have now brought a new dimension to the work of RevivEE, so we feel we need to take a moment to upgrade and reboot the RevivEE program.
So that is why we are making the following changes:
RevivEE 2.0 will close March 31
Although when you sign up for RevivEE you are signing up for a certain level of uncertainty, especially in a time of COVID, with eastern Europe borders and document issues we never know exactly where we are going to end up. Yet, the current situation is not what people signed up for when they signed up for 2.0. So we have made the decision to close the 2.0 season. God used the team in an amazing way, as we were able to provide “first aid” support to hundreds, have had an amazing impact on the Chisinau church, and there is now a harvest that is starting to be reaped of saved souls! Praise God! Thank you God for our 2.0 team! A heart felt thank you to everyone who served on 2.0!
RevivEE 3.0 will be paused
The plan for RevivEE is each year we will choose a different city and country across Eastern Europe to bring a diverse, radical group of disciples, young and old, to revive a church. We were planning on going to Zagreb for 3.0 on August 15, 2022. At this hour with such a desperate need to care for Ukrainian disciples, we do not feel we can pull out of Moldova and abandon the work we have started. We will do our best, as long as the Lord will allow us, to stay on a border country to provide as much support as possible for those fleeing Ukraine as well as be able to send in support to the disciples still living in Ukraine.
Announcing: RevivEE 2.5
So now, we are announcing RevivEE 2.5! Come join us in Eastern Europe for 10 months from August 15 to June 15!
Help us to RevivEE a church, rebuild a Next Gen ministry and encourage and care for refugees. We will continue in Moldova as long as the Lord keeps this door open (thus the reason for calling it 2.5, we are prayerfully staying in Chisinau until the war ends.) If you are interested in being a part or our team, please fill out an application and join us after the ICOC World Discipleship Summit. If the war ends and we decide to depart, we will un-pause 3.0 and determine our next country. The Spirit will continue to direct our steps! Please pray for us!
The focus and daily life of the team will be as always “fishing for souls,” encouraging and building the local church, but now with the added element of serving side-by-side with HOPE worldwide in meeting the needs of Ukrainians, and supporting them in this difficult time.
With RevivEE 2.0 closing March 31, the team members that stay will be upgraded to RevivEE 2.5. Some of our team members will be staying till June 20th, as they originally planned. Some of our RevivEE 2.0 team members have signed up to continue on 2.5. God bless them! They will stay with us here in Moldova and we will stagger vacations to be able to continue to meet the needs of the church, until, God willing, the whole team gathers on August 15!
If you are interested in joining us , follow these three simple steps:
- Pray and fast
- Seek advice
- Fill out the application (Request one at: [email protected])
Thank you for considering!
Please pray for peace in Ukraine!
Much love,
Shawn and Lena Wooten