We are excited to introduce you to our amazing RevivEE 5.0 team!

Forty-two courageous and sacrificial souls are packing up their bags and getting ready to spend 10 months in Eastern Europe, with a dream to bring an eternal hope to a nation! This amazing team has Christians from 18 to 65 years old from eight different nations. We will come together to love God, love each other, and then pour this love into the cities of Chisinau, Bucharest, and Sofia, Bulgaria! This year we have a new strategy where our team will actually break into three nations to serve: Moldova, Romania and Bulgaria.

How can I help? 

1. Pray for the RevivEE team! Join us on our LIVE prayer times on Facebook and Youtube @shawnrevivee.

2. Consider signing up for RevivEE 6.0! The applications will be available on September 1, 2024. We are currently planning on heading to Zagreb, Croatia. Request information at [email protected]

3. Many of these teammates are fundraising right now. They are self-funded and live on a humble budget for the 10 months they are overseas. If you are reached out to, please consider supporting the mission effort! Maybe you can not travel overseas yourself right now, but you can go “virtually” by supporting one of the team members. We are also raising money for some of our candidates who are currently from Eastern European countries, and do not have the financial community that is able to support them. Consider supporting one of these missionaries from the Ukraine, Moldova, and Romania! 

4. Follow us! Join us virtually and get RevivEEd!

Maybe you can’t travel on RevivEE – but you can join us virtually – and get inspired and encouraged as you serve God where you are.

In May, as we as a fellowship get revived in our passion to help a lost world make it to heaven, I pray for all of us to dream of a revival in our personal walk, and in our local fellowship! 

Lena and I will be packing our two suitcases and moving to another country, now for the fifth year in a row. It has been an honor and a blessing to be a missionary in our fellowship for 32 years. Thank you for all the support and all the prayers over these years!

Love you all,
Shawn & Lena