Greetings ICOC Family! We at the Rocky Mountain School of Ministry and Theology invite you to enroll in one of our Summer 2023 Courses! You can take courses for credit or just audit them. They will be enriching to your life and walk with Jesus. Here below are the courses:

RMSMT Courses for Summer 2023


1. CM689 Christ in Culture taught by Dr. Gabe Santos (May 14, 2023 – August 5, 2023)

What does Christ have to say to modern culture? How did Jesus interact with culture? How does he expect his followers to relate to culture today? Do disciples of Jesus escape from culture, stand in the midst of but fight against culture, baptize culture, or embrace culture? This class will explore these questions as well as matters of biblical justice, ecology, poverty, race, class, age, and gender.

2. NT/OT 741 Second Temple Judaism by Dr. Rolan Monje and Dr. Glenn Giles (May 14, 2023 – August 5, 2023)

A study of the history and literature of the Intertestamental Period with particular emphasis given to connections between the Old and New Testaments as well as to developments that aid in the understanding of the writings of the New Testament. Students will be familiarized with political, social, and cultural issues related to understanding this historical period through the use of primary and secondary readings and a focused and guided research project.

3. PC655/CCC5 Grief, Suicidology, and Crisis Counseling taught by Dr. Timothy Sumerlin (May 14, 2023 – August 5, 2023)

This course attempts to open avenues of insight and service through understanding various features of grief, suicidology, and crisis counseling. The students explore biblical, historical, and contemporary materials to apply the pastoral function with a healthy interface of theology and psychology. Numerous specific applications will be made in such areas of concern as crisis intervention, suicide intervention and prevention, and grief counseling across the lifespan with relevance in the church setting as the primary focus. The students’ own lives and experiences are seen as a base for developing competence in a healing counseling ministry.

4. NT653/SF653/CT653/CM653 The Sermon on the Mount and Beyond taught by Dr. Glenn Giles and Dr. Trevor Cochell (May 14, 2023 – August 5, 2023)

This course involves an in-depth English text study of the Sermon on the Mount from the Book of Matthew, Christian ethics found in it, the heart contained in it, and this passage’s application to today.

5. GB605/CM651/AP651 Introduction to Biblical Archaeology and the Christian Faith, taught by Dr. Bill Moulden (May 14, 2023 – August 5, 2023)

The course studies the metanarrative of the Bible as it is developed in the Old and New Testaments. This is a required course for Master of Arts in Christian Counseling students but is also designed for entering Biblical Studies and Master of Divinity students with little or no background in the study of the Bible.

6. SF604/CSF4 Classics in Spiritual Formation taught by Dr. Steve Kinnard (May 14, 2023 – August 5, 2023)

Explores historical and contemporary writings that serve to both inform and form needed changes and growth in character, behavior, relationships, vision, values, ministry, godly influence, and servant leadership. Also, this class seeks to involve students in spiritual reading, historical study, and critical interpretation of diverse classics of Christian spirituality across major historical periods of the Christian movement. Emphasis will be placed upon a blend of spiritual and critical understanding of the common readings and spiritual classics.


7. AP600.1 Christian Apologetics (AP600 Apologética Cristiana) Arturo Elizarrarás and Dr. Douglas Jacoby  (14 de mayo de 2023 – 5 de agosto de 2023)

Este curso enseña los principios de la defensa y la promoción de la fe cristiana.

Please apply and sign up today as courses begin May 14 and run through August 5. You must register and pay for the courses by May 4 to be enrolled in courses for this summer.

We as a school exist to help equip ICOC leaders and workers to serve Jesus with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength. If you have any questions, please email me at the address below.


Glenn W. Giles, PhD
Director and Professor of Bible and Theology
Rocky Mountain School of Ministry and Theology
Denver, Colorado, USA
[email protected]