We at Rocky Mountain School of Ministry and Theology are excited to announce our 2024 Summer Semester Courses. Registration is now open at our website.
Courses begin May 19. Please consider taking a course for credit or audit to better prepare yourself to follow Jesus and enrich his church. This semester we are offering the following courses:
- PC622/CCC3 Counseling Adolescents with Dr. Ryan Erbe (May 19-July 27):
This course provides students with a framework for understanding the adolescent time period as a window of opportunity for healthy growth and development for the whole person with a special emphasis on spiritual maturity. Students will examine major theories and findings concerning biological, cognitive, social, and emotional development during adolescence. - NT600 Introduction to the New Testament in Intensive Format with Dr. Courtney Bailey (May 19-July 13):
This course surveys the contents and backgrounds of all the books of the Christian New Testament. - CM654/CT654/SF603/CSF3 Jesus and Spiritual Formation in intensive format with Dr. Steve Kinnard (May 19-July 13):
This course teaches biblical principles of helping Christ be formed in each individual disciple by exploring the life of Jesus and the gospels. The course focuses on how Jesus practiced the spiritual disciplines and what Jesus taught about the spiritual disciplines. - OT653 English Exegesis of Deuteronomy with Dr. Monje and Dr. Cochell. (May 19-Aug 10):
This course is an English exegetical study of the book of Deuteronomy, its literary features, canonical importance, and theological perspective. - OT 731 Hebrew Exegesis of Deuteronomy with Dr. Monje and Dr. Cochell (May 19-Aug 10):
Prerequisite: OT610: Hebrew Basics:
This course is an exegetical study of the Hebrew text of Deuteronomy. Hebrew proficiency or OT 610 is a prerequisite. - SF605/CSF5 Biblical Spirituality with Dr. Steve Kinnard (May 19-July 13):
This course explores primary passages in the Bible that speak directly to spiritual formation and the practice of spiritual formation, spiritual direction, and the spiritual disciplines. Along with guided lectures, the student will read through the Bible highlighting passages that speak to spirituality and spiritual formation. - CM689.1 Cristo y Cultura con Gabe Santos (May 19-Aug 10):
¿Qué tiene que decir Cristo a la cultura moderna? ¿Cómo interactuó Jesús con la cultura? ¿Cómo espera que sus seguidores se relacionen con la cultura actual? ¿Los discípulos de Jesús escapan de la cultura, se mantienen en medio de ella pero luchan contra la cultura, bautizan la cultura o abrazan la cultura? Esta clase explorará estas preguntas, así como cuestiones de justicia bíblica, ecología, pobreza, raza, clase, edad y género.
Please sign up today as the deadline is fast approaching. Click here for an application for admission. All our courses are 100% online and most are asynchronous.
We hope to see you in class this Summer.
Glenn W. Giles, PhD, Director
Rocky Mountain School of Ministry and Theology
[email protected]