• To Understand God’s Plan of Salvation

Q: When were your sins forgiven? Baptised? Saved? Receive the Holy Spirit?

  • Write a personal timeline of the major spiritual events in your life.

1 PETER 2:9-10

  • Only two places exist spiritually (no grey area, middle ground, no purgatory).



People of God

Not a people of God

Received mercy

Not received mercy


(No forgiveness)

Royal priesthood


Holy nation

  • Q: Do you believe you are in the light or darkness?

JOHN 3:1-7

  • No one can see the Kingdom of God unless they are born again – Because of our sin, we need a new birth…a second chance.
  • Born of water and the Spirit – This new birth happens with water and the Spirit.

  • Q: Why born of water?
  • Q: Where does this new birth happen?

MATTHEW 26:27-28

  • This is my blood of the covenant – Jesus shed his blood on the cross. This sacrifice allows us to enter a covenant relationship with God.
  • Is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins – Jesus’ blood CAN forgive our sin.
  • Q: According to this passage, is everyone’s sin forgiven?
  • This would include Hitler, Stalin, Idi Amin, etc.
  • The important question: How do we receive the forgiveness offered by Jesus’ blood?

ROMANS 6:1-7

  • We were buried with him through baptism into death – We bury our old life in the waters of baptism.
  • Just as Christ was raised from the dead we too may live a new life – We resurrect to a new life just as Jesus was raised from the dead.


  • Raised through your faith – This has to be our personal decision. (See diagram)

ACTS 2:36-41

  • What are they told to do?
    – Repent
    – Be baptised
  • Why are we baptised?
    – Forgiveness of sin
    – Receive the Holy Spirit

    – The Greek word baptizo (baptizo) means to dip, plunge, immerse.
    – Let’s return to our questions from John 3.

Q: Why are we to be born of water?
Q: Where does our new birth happen?
Q: And what gift are we given as our sins are being washed away?

1 PETER 3:18-22

  • This water (the flood) symbolizes baptism – God saved Noah through the flood-waters.
  • Baptism now saves you also – We are saved through the waters of baptism.
  • Pledge of a clear conscience toward God – When we get baptised, we are pledging a clear conscience to God. We need to have dealt with our sins before we get baptised!

TITUS 3:4-6

  • He saved us because of his mercy – Our salvation is a gift from God.
  • He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit – This passage summarizes where we began…to be saved we need to be reborn through water and the Holy Spirit.
  • He saved us because of his mercy – Our salvation is a gift from God.

He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit – This passage summarizes where we began…to be saved we need to be reborn through water and the Holy Spirit.


  • We are pledging a clear conscience to God.
  • Our sins are washed away (forgiven).
  • We receive the Holy Spirit.
  • Our old, sinful life is buried and we resurrect to a new life.
  • We enter the kingdom of God.

Q: If you look at your timeline and compare it to the Biblical plan for Salvation, is it the same?

“VIDEO: Is Baptism Necessary for Salvation?”