Do you feel called to step out on faith? Have you ever dreamed of being on a mission team in a foreign country? Is it your time to respond like Isaiah and say, “Here am I send me!”

Entire countries need to hear the gospel! We need you!

We are putting together our fifth multi-national, multi-generational mission team to come to Eastern Europe for 10 months. RevivEE 5.0 will launch on September 1, 2024 and will finish on July 1, 2025.

Who should sign up? We are looking for good-hearted, faithful disciples who have a heart to be trained and a desire to spend 10 months letting God use them to change a nation for eternity.

Calebs: Empty nesters or mature disciples who are retired, and willing to come and share their wisdom and experience with an Eastern European nation, and help us shepherd the young missionaries.

Globe changers: Take a year off from school, take a gap year, or take a year break from your career. Come spend 10 months overseas and get training that will benefit you for the rest of your life! Not sure if the full-time ministry is for you? This is the perfect setting to explore this calling! In our fellowship we call this a “One Year Challenge” – here we call you “Globe Changers” because in 10 months, you can change a corner of the globe! You will help us turn around a church, or plant a church, and you will make friends from all over the world. You will leave behind a legacy that will be remembered with gratitude for generations to come.

We are now in Bucharest Romania, where we joined a church of 38 members. As we kick off the new year, we have over 50 people studying the Bible!

We are not sure of the destination of 5.0 at this hour, but we know wherever God takes us, we will do our best to reflect Christ and impact eternity.

Contact us at [email protected] for an application. Please pray for us and the Eastern European region of churches!

Much love,
Shawn & Lena Wooten