This past year God has brought about a surge in zeal and passion for singles’ ministries.  In 2009, singles attended eight regional singles conferences held in different locales around the world.  We also saw the launch of, a website devoted entirely to articles, testimonies and information on events for singles.

The regional seminars were part of the overall plan to unify our singles through regional and international singles conferences held on alternate years. While the conferences provided an arena for specific teaching, they also were an opportunity for participants to meet other singles in their area.  The smaller conferences made it easier and less expensive for the singles to attend.

However, nothing compares to the level of excitement and inspiration of an international conference.  In August of 2010, singles will come together for “Soar” the second international singles conference that will take place in Manila, Philippines.  Organizers are expecting about 5,000 participants from singles ministries all around the world. 

In the upcoming year, we plan to tackle another crisis in our churches.  That is the disproportionate number of women to men in singles ministries.  Upon becoming Christians, single women make the commitment to marry only disciples.  However, when they look around their churches they see so few godly single men that they view remaining single for the rest of their lives as a probable cost to becoming a disciple. We need to help our wonderful, single sisters by removing this obstacle and changing the ratios.  

I want to propose a worldwide day of prayer and fasting to convert single men.  In addition, it has come to our attention that our methods in reaching out are much more effective in reaching women than men.  For example, most men are not attracted to discussion group formats such as Bible Talks and discipleship groups.  Men bond through doing things together.  To meet that need, we propose that churches plan events geared toward reaching out to men.  That leaders host activities such as night golf, basketball, volleyball leagues and other active events where men will do things and get to know one another in an informal, fun atmosphere.  Our prayer is to reach men who would not otherwise become Christians. 

Todd Asaad
Singles Committee Chairman