This past year, singles’ ministries around the world took off to heights not seen in years. In 2009, the Singles’ Service Team main goal is uniting many regional singles’ ministries to form a united global singles’ ministry. To help meet this goal we are close to kicking off a one-stop information center for news about single disciples. We are excited to announce that will go online in just a few days.

This new site will host good news, highlight upcoming events, publicize regional singles’ conferences, link with other single websites and connect singles’ ministries throughout our family of churches. We will post articles written specifically for singles to meet the needs singles encounter in today’s world. We are also in the process of compiling and posting a list of all the singles’ ministries and leaders in our family of churches. This will ensure that singles know whom to contact for information in that part of the world.

In addition, the committee is close to announcing the site or sites of the 2010 ISC. As many of us saw at the conference in Dallas, the 2010 ISC will be another milestone event for singles around the world. We would also like to welcome two new members to the Singles’ Service Team, Terry Folker from Boston, Massachusetts and Deanne de Vries from Kuwait.

Thank you for your support and please continue to pray for the success of all these endeavors.

ICOC Singles Service Team

Todd Asaad, Chairman