The Singles Service Team is comprised of international singles and married brothers and sisters that are volunteers or in the full time ministry.
1.The Dallas/Fort Worth Church of Christ hosted a planning meeting on April 18th and 19th to prepare for the upcoming International Singles Conference. The conference title is “Vision and Dreams”, with an emphasis on the book of Daniel. Those attending the planning meeting, 22 from around the U.S, discussed various priorities and goals, specialty classes, potential speakers and testimonies.
  • 1300 plus registrations from over 50 nations. 1/4 of total is international, 1/3 coming early for leadership tract on Thursday  which is limited to Bible Talk Leaders.
  • Projections of attendance 2000 plus. 
  • 20,000 hits on website from different IP addresses. World map on website shows locations. 
  • Yahoo group set up to generate world-wide contact between disciples. 
  • 10 different excursions planned for conference. 
  • Over 400 staying over to Monday. 
  • ink to website and yahoo group below. 
2008 International Singles Conference
August 29 – 31 in Grapevine, TX USA
2.The Singles Service Team is committed to writing articles that help meet the needs of a world-wide singles ministry.
3.The Service Team would also like to be helpful in meeting singles needs with the upcoming International Leaders Conference in Kiev and any regional workshops.