In late January, all the Central/South America/Caribbean church leaders gathered at the Miami School of Missions. Mara and I joined them for two days on behalf of SURGE Singles Missions! (SURGE stands for Singles United Representing God Everywhere.) We shared about single disciples’ excitement to encourage and strengthen disciples in foreign churches.

Last summer, 28 single disciples traveled with SURGE to encourage six European churches. We had a blast! It was a joy and honor to encourage the disciples Edinburgh, Glasgow, Dublin, Brussels, Sofia, and Bucharest. These smaller churches are greatly impacted by the love, faith, connection, and inspiration that SURGE brings. Mara and I love seeing the giving hearts of the singles who go on these trips. The disciples in these churches were very expressive of their gratitude and encouragement from our visit. As we all go on these trips to give and inspire, we also are moved and impacted by the stories of faithful disciples we meet.
SURGE Singles Missions will be visiting Latin America in October of 2018! We will visit the churches of Santiago, Chile, Vina del Mar, Chile and Quito, Ecuador. After Quito, we will travel to the Galapagos Islands. We are calling it the “Unfathomable Love of God Tour,” inspired by Ephesians 3:17-19. As we visit disciples in these churches we want to try to communicate and connect with God’s great love for each one of us. Come join us for this fun adventure!
SURGE South America 2018
In February 2019 SURGE will visit several churches in Brazil. In Summer 2019 SURGE will go visit several churches in Europe. SURGE is working on details to visit the Dominican Republic.
If you have any interest in joining the SURGE 2018 trip to Latin America, or any of the future trips, please send Chad an email ([email protected]).
It’s great to see how God desires to use single disciples to connect, inspire, and encourage fellow disciples all over the world!
In Him,
Chad and Mara Winchell
Singles United Representing God Everywhere