The South Sound Church of Christ (Tacoma, WA) is looking for a motivated couple, preferably with some background in developing Youth and Family ministry, to lead the development of a church-wide, parent led ministry model for our families. More long-term, we are seeking a couple to lead the Puyallup Region.

Tacoma is located approximately 40 miles south of Seattle, WA and serves 3 counties with a total population over 1 million. The boom of technology companies and skyrocketing house prices in Seattle (King County) has given rise to rapid growth in the South Sound area.

The South Sound Church of Christ is a diverse, family oriented community of almost 200 disciples. Our church is organized around three geographic regions of the South Sound area (Tacoma, Puyallup and The Kitsap Peninsula) to more effectively spread the gospel and to help members stay connected with a community of believers. As a church, we believe the way Jesus lived, in community with his followers, is the key to enjoying life as God intended it. This means that church isn’t just a meeting, but a gathering of our friends and family. Our leadership team currently consists of mature Elders (Wives), Evangelists, Women’s Ministry Leaders and a Singles Support Staff.

We officially launched three regions in 2017. The continued development of these distinct groups is part of our vision for growing the South Sound Church. This includes regionalevangelism, raising up local leaders and servants, and creating a regional vision.

We are looking for a spiritual, passionate, motivated, couple with some ministry experience to ultimately serve and lead a small region of the SSCOC. You will work under the guidance and support of the Senior Evangelist and Women’s Ministry leader (Dana & Gin Perkins). This is a full-time position with benefits included.

Qualified applicants should submit a cover letter and resume to [email protected] by March 31, 2023.