The Singles Service Team continues to happily move forward with our work! We appreciate all of your support and prayers.
There have been two important changes to our team. First and foremost, Wilner Cornely with his current health situation is currently unable to serve on the Singles Service Team. We will not immediately replace him in hopes that he will be able to rejoin us in time.
Secondly, Sheridan and Debbie Wright, in consideration of their considerable other responsibilities, have been asked by their leadership team to be sparing in their participation of the singles service team. They do shepherd all the singles in New York, which is why they will remain our point of communication and contact for that group. They will stay abreast of our work through our conference call notes and the Reeds will help me keep them in the loop of communication. If we need anything specifically of the Wrights, we will simply give them a call. They will not however be expected on our conference calls nor will they be traveling to Denver for our series of meetings in April.