“You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” – Acts 1:8
In the International Churches of Christ, we maintain a strong tradition that promotes worldwide missions. In the early days of our movement, this passion allowed the Holy Spirit work through us to plant churches all over the world. While this was an amazing feat, some of our methodology needed to be challenged and changed in 2003. This change, sadly, had a negative impact on many of our churches in the mission field. In some situations, monetary funding was almost completely cut and missionaries had to return home. Some of these churches fared better than others. Our churches in Thailand were hit especially hard during this time. Over the past 30 years our church in Bangkok has had around 20 church leaders and has not had the outside help that it benefited from in the ‘90s.
But God fostered a strong group of disciples in Thailand who put their trust in him despite living in a majority Buddhist nation, a nation with idols on every street corner and in almost every restaurant. In 2022, God moved the hearts of Chester and Kit Umaguing to move from Colorado Springs, Colorado to lead the Bangkok Christian Church. God continued opening doors. The Denver Church was able to send two campus ministers and five campus students to serve the church over the summer to aid the Umaguings. Word got out of this endeavor and campus ministers from Indonesia decided to join the effort. Suddenly, in the spring of 2023, campus students from Malaysia, Singapore, and even New Mexico, USA booked tickets and sacrificed their summers to join an operation that was being formed by God.
Miracles ensued. The team landed on June 6th and went right to work evangelizing campuses and malls in Bangkok with disciples from the church as well as serving in three HOPE worldwide brigades. Services swelled with old faces and new. Bible studies began with new friends and with Kingdom Kids. Two Thai natives were baptized and many of the Bible Studies that this team started are being brought to fruition at this moment through the disciples in the church. One young man who came from a strict Sikh sect – despite being excommunicated from his community and family – made Jesus Lord after just three weeks of learning about Christ! Powerful bonds were also built between disciples from countries all over the world that will unify our churches in the years to come!
The stage is now set; doors have been opened that cannot be closed. Christ will continue to build through our brothers and sisters in Bangkok and prayers for similar opportunities in the future are being prayed. Please keep the disciples from the Bangkok Christian Church in your prayers and pray for Thailand.