“Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” – Matthew 17:20
Over the past year the teen ministry of Southern Connecticut Church of Christ has gone from one disciple to 11 disciples. It has truly been an incredible12 months in seeing ten teens decide to make Jesus Lord! What started as one teen in May 2017 has now become a ministry of almost a dozen teen disciples who are on fire for God and with the passion and desire to be used by God to accomplish great things now and in the future.
If we could point to anything that has contributed to this resurgence within the teen ministry I would say the following three things:
1. Belief
Whoever is working with the youth needs to believe deeply in their ability. These kids are special and their capabilities are really endless. They have so much drive, desire, and passion for anything they do, BUT they need people around them that believe in them and can see beyond their youth the same way Jesus saw beyond our shortcomings. We have benefited from the collective faith of the church and the power of Christ to work through our faith and prayers.
2. Church Connectivity
Camps, retreats, and regional joint church events are no brainers. Teens feel strength in numbers. The Southern Connecticut Church of Christ Youth and Family Ministry has benefited greatly from the amazing work of the New England Family of Churches and the inspiring camps and joint fellowship activities. These events provide avenues for teens to come together and share their vision and faith with each other.
3. Teamwork
We believe in the necessity of strong teamwork between teen parents, youth and family workers, and church leadership. Whenever a teen makes a decision to follow Christ it is the result of much prayer and team involvement.
The teens have blown us away here in Southern Connecticut and we know that as they continue to pursue God the sky is truly the limit. What has started with a mustard seed of faith is now moving mountains. God delivers on all his promises!
To read more about these teens and their incredible testimonies, click here.