The wait is over! The Digital Pass for the 2023 Teleios Society Conference is now available for purchase! Visit the conference website to view the options:
This year’s conference theme was Generation Z: The Ongoing Conversation. We were blessed with a brilliant lineup of speakers:
- David Kinnaman (CEO, Barna Group): Gen Z and Resilient Discipleship
- Dudley Chancey, PhD (Oklahoma Christian University): Gen Z and The Role of Family
- Kyle Spears (Trauma Counselor): Unburdening Generational Trauma through the Use of Memorial
- Amy McLaughlin-Sheasby, PhD (Abilene Christian University): Picking Up the Pieces: Cultivating Hope in a Traumatized Age
- David Fraze, DMin (Lubbock Christian University): Gen Z and Youth Ministry
- Ryan Erbe, PhD (United States Military Academy): Gen Z and Meditation: An Exercise of Opportunity
- David Pocta, PhD (Oblate School of Theology): Naming the Storm: Wilderness, a Dark Night of the Soul, or Deconstruction?
- Hannah DeSouza, Harvard Divinity Student: Gen Z: The Next Forty Years
- Dan Rodriguez, PhD (Pepperdine University): Cultural Intelligence and Gen Z
- Nadine Templer (HOPE worldwide): Gen Z and Their View of the Gospel

New this year: In addition to an option to purchase a pass for individual use, we now also have options to allow groups to show the lessons in a larger group setting. The Digital Pass options are as follows:
- Personal Use Pass: For individual use and also for churches/groups of 100 viewers or less. $125.
- Mid-size Group Pass: For use by churches/groups of 101-500 viewers. $250.
- Large Group Pass: For use by churches/groups of 501+ viewers. $500.
All three options are available on the conference website:
Answers to questions you may have:
How long will the digital pass options be available for purchase? The digital pass options will be available for purchase until September 1, 2023.
How long will these lessons be available for viewing? Indefinitely. At this time we have no plans to take the digital pass down.
I only want to access a couple of the lessons. Is there an option to purchase the recordings a la carte? Sorry, no. We do not offer an option for individual recordings.