Things have not been well in Haiti with ongoing socio-political unrest, economic hardship and now the Coronavirus pandemic. It could be very discouraging for everyone and we have had our times of discouragement as disciples. But God always finds ways to encourage and comfort us. Amid poverty, insecurity, kidnapping and Coronavirus, God is still saving his people. For the last three months, God has added 31 disciples to ICOC Haiti fellowship. Each soul is precious to God and each baptism has a story.

Let us share about a few of our most recent ones.

Michele who got baptized on March 31. She was invited to our fellowship by someone who left the church almost 15 years ago. Daniel has been praying for his family ever since he became a disciple of Jesus 11 years ago. His prayers were answered, as his father, Isemené, was baptized on March 29.

Early in the year, Almando started attending our church services. He was invited to study the scriptures and on February 2, he was baptized. A week later, his mom, Llioda, visited the church and was baptized by the end of February. His teenage sister, Daphcka, who started attending our worship with Almando and his mom, was baptized on March 31. God, in just two months, has brought three members of one family to His church!

These incredible stories remind us of Psalms 68:20, “Our God is a God who saves; from the Sovereign Lord comes escape from death.” (NIV)

Please keep praying for us as we continue to pray for God to intervene powerfully during this time of crisis in Haiti and the world.