Introduction: It is always a good idea to start every study with a review of the past studies that have been done- repetition strengthens conviction. 

The purpose of this study is to provide a heart-moving overview of God’s amazing grace. This will be done by communicating both the gift of grace available to Christians as well as the price of that grace in Jesus’ death on the cross.

Today we are going to talk about one of the most driving forces in the heart of God and in the mission of Jesus. It is also the thing that makes the ‘good news’ such ‘good news’. It is the grace of God


How would you define grace? It is an undeserved gift.

Let’s look at some verses that describe God’s grace given to Christians:


The gift of eternal life; We deserved death, but received eternal life


The gift of forgiveness


  • The gift of salvation; A great description of our lives “before grace” and “after grace”

1 PETER 2:9-10

The gift of a new identity

  • Before grace-in darkness, not a people, no mercy
  • After grace-in wonderful light, people of God, mercy
  • Thus, Christians are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, and a people belonging to God.

1 JOHN 3:1

  • The gift of a new relationship with God; By grace we can become true “children of God.”

These are just a few verses summarizing the gift of God’s grace that is offered freely to anyone who is truly “in Christ”.


While the gift of grace is truly free to those in Christ, there was a great cost to God and Jesus. To fully appreciate the gift, we need to fully understand the cost.

ROMANS 3:23-26

  • The price was Jesus’ death on the cross; thus justice was served.

Let’s take a deeper look at what really happened to Jesus on the cross. More than anything, what Jesus experienced on the cross can be summarized as pain. There were three types of pain he felt-emotional, physical, and spiritual pain.


MATTHEW 26:36-56

  • Jesus fell with his face to the ground
  • So much stress that he may have suffered from a medical condition called Hematidrosis, as recorded by the physician Luke
  • Judas, one of his closest friends, betrays him with a kiss
  • All the disciples deserted him and fled


MATTHEW 27:22-26

  • Jesus was flogged
  • Centurions used a flagrum to do it-an instrument with a wooden handle, leather whips, and pieces of metal or rock in the ends of the whips
  • The guards would stretch the person’s back out over a rock or tree and strike them repeatedly up to 39 times (the legal limit).
  • Many would go into shock from such a beating or even die.

MATTHEW 27:27-31

  • Soldiers put crown of thorns on Jesus’ head
  • They drove the thorns into his head with a staff
  • A hundred soldiers spitting on him and striking him and mocking him

MATTHEW 27:31-44

  • Before this, Jesus’ face is black and blue and swollen, covered with dried blood and spit, and his back is torn open and swollen.
  • The nail is placed between the ulna and the radius bones-right in a pressure point that is very sensitive
  • Other nail goes through the feet; Jesus hanging on the cross by those nails
  • Most people die from suffocation, as carbon dioxide builds up in the lungs

    [For a detailed medical description of a crucifixion, see attachment D]

ISAIAH 52:14

  • Jesus was marred beyond human likeness
  • His arms would have been so stretched out from the hanging position; his head swollen, black and blue and covered with dried blood and spit; the rest of his body swollen and covered with blood and spit as well

Spiritual Pain: This would have been the worst pain of all


  • God made Jesus become “sin” so that we could become “righteous”
  • Perhaps this is why Jesus cried out, “my God my God, why have you forsaken me” on the cross right before he died. Jesus felt the nearly unbearable pain of separation from his Father in heaven for the first time in all eternity.

That is the price Jesus paid. Why again did he do all this?

ROMANS 5:6-8

  • God made Jesus become “sin” so that we could become “righteous”
  • Perhaps this is why Jesus cried out, “my God my God, why have you forsaken me” on the cross right before he died. Jesus felt the nearly unbearable pain of separation from his Father in heaven for the first time in all eternity.

It is so important to personalize the cross—not just for man or the world, but for you! The grace of God is truly amazing! It is an incredible gift that came at an incredible price.


  • How does learning about the grace of God make you feel?

  • Do you see how much God loves you? How much does He love you?
  • How does this grace and love affect the way you view and understand your own sin?
  • What kind of response does grasping God’s grace and love cause you to have?

The next time we get together we will talk more about how we should respond to the grace of God.

DT Video: Medical Account of the Crucifixion