• To teach the biblical way of salvation

ACTS 2:36-41

ACTS 2:36-41

  • When we grasp what happened at the cross, our response is “What shall I do?”
  • Peter sums up the teaching about salvation: repent and be baptized for the forgiveness
    of your sins.
  •  Peter stresses that this is for salvation.

Q. Why do you think there was such a sense of urgency in their response?

1 PETER 2:9-10

  • Called out of darkness—becoming a Christian is to move from darkness to light, and it results in a dramatic change in one’s identity.
  • There is no grey area or middle ground.

Q. Are you in the light or in the darkness?


Q. What does the word ‘repent’ mean to you?

  • Repentance is: to change one’s mind, to feel remorse, to turn away from sin and turn
    toward righteousness.


  • Repentance begins with godly sorrow but continues beyond that. It results in real change and ultimately leads to salvation without regret.
  • Worldly sorrow does not bring about real change.

Q. What does godly sorrow produce?

ACTS 17:30-31

ACTS 26:20

  • God commands everyone to repent, and all will be judged accordingly.
  • True repentance is ultimately demonstrated by one’s deeds.


Q. What is your understanding of baptism?

  • The Greek word βαπτίζω (baptizo) means “to dip, plunge or immerse.”

ACTS 2:36-38

  • After we’ve repented, we are commanded to be baptized.

Q. What purpose does Peter give for baptism? (Forgiveness and the Holy Spirit)

ROMANS 6:1-7

  • Baptism is our participation in the death, burial, and resurrection.
  • We are buried with Christ in baptism and raised to live a new life.


ACTS 9:1-19

ACTS 22:6-13

Note: Make a list of everything Saul (Paul) did on the way to salvation

  • Saw a light
  • Heard the voice of Jesus
  • Believed in Jesus
  • Confessed Jesus as Lord
  • Obeyed Jesus’ command
  • Fasted three days
  • Prayed three days
  • Had a vision
  • Received a miracle
  • Got baptized

Q. What do we see here that demonstrates Paul’s repentance?

  • Paul immediately changed from being a persecutor and murderer of Christians to a
    faithful Christian himself—he turned back from his sin.
  • He was obedient to the instruction he received from Jesus.
  • He fasted and prayed for three days—Saul’s conversion was a deeply spiritual event and he took it seriously.

Q. When might people say that Saul’s sins were forgiven and he was saved?

  • Read Acts 22:14-16. In both accounts, the culmination of Paul’s conversion to Christianity was his baptism.
  • Paul’s sins were forgiven (washed away) at baptism.


ACTS 2:39-41

ACTS 17:24-28

  • This promise of salvation is available to all.
  • God is calling you!


  • In what ways do you see God calling you now?
  • Are you ready to accept his call to repent and be baptized?

Additional Scriptures

Additional Scriptures

Acts 8:26-40 The Ethiopian eunuch’s baptism
Acts 16:25-34 The Philippian jailer’s baptism
Galatians 3:26-29 In baptism, we become sons of God and heirs of the promise
Deuteronomy 30:1-10 The promise of blessings that come with repentance
Luke 3:1-14 Bear fruit that shows repentance
Luke 13:1-5 We will perish without repentance
Acts 3:19-20 Repentance leads to times of refreshing