• To teach the biblical way of salvation.


ACTS 2:36-41

  • When we grasp what happened at the cross, our response is “What shall I do?”
  • Peter sums up the teaching about salvation: repent and be baptized for the forgiveness of your sins.
  • Peter stresses that this is for salvation.

Q: Why do you think there was such a sense of urgency in their response?

1 PETER 2:9-10

  • Called out of darkness – becoming a Christian is to move from darkness to light, and it results in a dramatic change in one’s identity.
  • There is no grey area or middle ground.

Q: Are you in the light or in the darkness?


Q: What does the word ‘repent’ mean to you? 

Repentance is: to change one’s mind, to feel remorse, to turn away from sin and turn
toward righteousness.



10 Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death. 11 See what this godly sorrow has produced in you: what earnestness, what eagerness to clear yourselves, what indignation, what alarm, what longing, what concern, what readiness to see justice done. At every point you have proved yourselves to be innocent in this matter.

  • Repentance begins with godly sorrow, but continues beyond that. It results in real change and ultimately leads to salvation without regret.
  • Worldly sorrow does not bring about real change.

Q: What does godly sorrow produce?

ACTS 17:30-31, 26:20


Q: What is your understanding of baptism?

  • The Greek word baptizo (baptizo) means “to dip, plunge or immerse.”

ACTS 2:36-38

  • After we’ve repented, we are commanded to be baptized.
  • What purpose does Peter give for baptism? (Forgiveness and the Holy Spirit)

ROMANS 6:1-7

  • Baptism is our participation in the death, burial and resurrection.
  • We are buried with Christ in baptism and raised to live a new life.


Note: Make a list of everything Saul (Paul) did on the way to salvation.

Q: What do we see here that demonstrates Paul’s repentance?

  • Paul immediately changed from being a persecutor and murderer of Christians to a faithful Christian himself – he turned back from his sin.
  • He was obedient to the instruction he received from Jesus.
  • He fasted and prayed for three days – Saul’s conversion was a deeply spiritual event and he took it seriously.

Q: When might people say that Saul’s sins were forgiven and he was saved?

ACTS 22:14-16

  • In both accounts, the culmination of Paul’s conversion to Christianity was his baptism.
  • Paul’s sins were forgiven (washed away) at baptism.

ACTS 2:39-41, 17:24-28 | A PROMISE FOR ALL

  • This promise of salvation is available to all.
  • God is calling you!


Q: In what ways do you see God calling you now?
Q: Are you ready to accept his call to repent and be baptized?


Acts 8:26-40 The Ethiopian eunuch’s baptism

Acts 16:25-34 The Philippian jailer’s baptism

Galatians 3:26-29 In baptism, we become sons of God and heirs of the promise

Deuteronomy 30:1-10 The promise of blessings that come with repentance

Luke 3:1-14 Bear fruit that shows repentance

Luke 13:1-5 We will perish without repentance

Acts 3:19-20 Repentance leads to times of refreshing

VIDEO: “Is Baptism Necessary for Salvation?”