Turning Point, a video series from ICOC Indonesia, highlights life-changing stories to inspire all the others. Only about 60 seconds long, the Turning Point videos encourage and inspire us to take a fresh perspective of God’s work.
With brilliant academic and professional capabilities, TJ had literally the world set before him. TJ had goals to be an entrepreneur. His perspective shifted when he saw the possibility of doing great things for God. TJ’s turning point came about when God revealed to him a new purpose in his life, greater than his former goals ever promised. Listen to TJ’s story!
Born in a thoroughly demanding family, Ivana grew with one thing in mind: achieve and excel in all things, at all costs. This ambition led her to worry a lot at all times. But it was not until she studied the Bible that she realized, life is not measured solely by the results, but also processes and struggles. Listen to Ivana’s story!
Visit the church’s website for more Turning Point videos.