At the Spring Leadership Meetings in March in Orlando, the ICOC US Diversity Team made a profound presentation about racial and cultural diversity in our US churches. Leaders from around the world attended.

The US Diversity Team expressed gratitude for all of the comments, insightful questions, and especially for “your love for all God’s people” (Ephesians 1:15) which was very evident that night. The night exceeded our team’s expectations and laid a promising foundation for our future together. One of the next steps from our meeting is for every church leader and ministry leader to read Michael Burns’ book, Crossing the Line: Culture, Race, and Kingdom. Books are available by clicking here; ministry staff receives a 25% discount by using coupon code “25offstaff.”

Please also note the Crossing the Line videos and many other resources available on the Commentary page of Disciples Today.

Your feedback is very valuable to us as we continue to move forward with diversity training at conferences, leaders’ workshops, and teaching in our local churches. To reach us for further discussion or questions, to join our mailing list, to book a speaker, or to start a diversity chapter, please email us at [email protected].

Finally, as leaders, let’s continue to devote ourselves to praying for God’s vision for our churches – that together we embrace the call to “gather the nations” in Jesus’ name (Isaiah 66:18). We love you and we look forward to continuing working together.

ICOC US Diversity Team

Scott Kirkpatrick and Darren Gauthier