Go : the smallest of words, the biggest of meanings. It may be one of God’s favorite words.
Sometimes life is calm. Secure. Peaceful. Nothing scary, each day much like the one before. That’s usually when God shows up. That’s usually when God says, “Go.”
SometimesGod calls dramatically, in miracle and flame. Sometimes He calls subtly, in stillness and whisper, so soft we won’t hear if we aren’t listening. Sometimes through his word, sometimes through a friend, sometimes through life events.
However he speaks, God calls to us all. We are called for different roles, in different ways, at different points in our lives: one season holds one purpose, the next holds another. We are God’s people, his instruments, and he wants to use us. As Romans 8:28 puts it, “We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” According to his purpose. God has plans for each of us. He has work for us to do, work he prepared a long time ago, work he has equipped us to accomplish: “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do” (Ephesians 2:10).
God is calling. . . . Will we answer his call?
These paragraphs are excerpted from Elizabeth Laing Thompson’s new book, When God Says, “Go”: Rising to Challenge and Change without Losing Your Confidence, Your Courage, or Your Cool.
- If you are facing change you never saw coming… this book is for you.
- If scary things make you want to run hide under the covers…
- If hard things make you want to curl into a ball in a puddle of tears…
- If it’s time to find courage you have never needed before, and never wanted to need…this book is for you.
In this book, we walk alongside people of the Bible who were called by God to fulfill his purposes. . .people like Moses, Esther, Abigail, Jeremiah, Mary, and others. These Bible heroes responded much like we do—with a jumbled-up inner storm of excitement and fear, insecurity and hope. Their stories and struggles can provide a roadmap for our stories, helping us face our own doubts, regrets, and worries.
When God calls, it’s time to go. Maybe somewhere new, someplace you’ve never been. Maybe it’s time to go forward after being stuck with one foot in the past. Maybe it’stime to go deeper—in Bible study or relationships. Time to go higher—in prayer or dreams. Time to go and give— to use talents and opportunities God has given. Or maybe it’s time to go and grow, right where you are. . .to dig into the word, dive into your heart, and become the person God is calling you to be. God is calling…Ready, set…go! To order her book, go to the DT Media Store.