“The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” – Deuteronomy 31:8
Kalaburagi is a city about 400 miles north of Bangalore. Formerly known as Gulbarga, this city is home to over 500,000 people. With 60% of those being Hindus, 37% being Muslims, and Christianity a mere 1%, it definitely is a challenging mission field.
Early in 2019 a small group of disciples from the Bidar church went to the city of Kalaburagi. The focus of this visit was to pray and prepare the place for the approaching mission team plantation. During their visit, besides praying in various spots, they reached out to people. They also met with Pradeep and Pushpa, a married couple with two young boys. When the prayer team visited the home of the couple, Pradeep said that for three days they had been praying to God to send someone into their lives, to teach them the word of God.
Since then it has been very clear that God has gone ahead of the mission team to this place.
The mission team consisted of a few disciples from Bangalore and few more from Bidar. The elders prayed over this team on June 16th and the team set-off to a period of training in Bidar for couple of weeks. On July 1stthey all arrived at Kalaburagi.
Since then they have had 14 people accept the Lord! Pradeep and Pushpa were the first ones! They currently have around 30 people studying the Bible. Arthur, the brother who leads the mission work is a School of Mission student. He is amazed at how open people are there. Sinderella, a graduate of the School of Missions, leads the women’s ministry. She says that she has to spend the whole day studying the Bible with people!
It has been very obvious that God has gone ahead of everyone to prepare the hearts of the people of Kalaburagi. We request you all to pray for this incredible church, to continue helping save souls.
To him always is all glory!
Click here for a video update on the Kalaburagi Mission Team.
Click here for a video testimonial from the first couple in Kalaburagi to accept the Lord.