The ICOC’s Women’s Service Team is pleased to announce the official formation of its Prayer Task Force (PTF)! This task force is made of a diverse group of women from various countries and continents and aims at representing all areas of the world.

Its mission statement “Prayer. Connection. Power” embodies our desire to provide increased opportunities for our sisterhood to pray, connect with each other and God and tap into his amazing power! 

The PTF will launch its first initiative on March 25th. Two meetings will be held at two different times: one at 8 am GMT and one at 11am EST. This latter call will also include the possibility of joining Spanish-speaking breakout rooms. We are working on providing more languages for future initiatives. 

For this first event, let us come together and ask God for victories coming from the 2023 IWD activities across the world, and thank him for the ones already shown! May women continue to be seen and heard.

If you want to participate please send an email to [email protected] stating your name, the congregation you’re from and the time of the call you want to join. You’ll then be sent the corresponding Zoom link. 

We are looking forward to having you with us and to many more initiatives with many more women around the world.