We’re excited to announce that next year’s Climb Small Church Leadership Conference will be held Wednesday, October 1st, through Saturday, October 4th, 2025, in Lansing, Michigan.
We’re looking forward to hosting leaders of all types at the Lansing church’s building during the Midwest’s colorful fall season. This conference is for anyone who works with ministries 150 or smaller, even if those ministries are in larger churches.
- Evangelists, women’s leaders, teachers, elders
- Core group members
- Campus ministry leaders
- Paid and non-paid staff

We’re focused on health and growth for ministers and their ministries. Past attendees have received great hope and wisdom from the classes and fellowship. We’re working on the cost and registration, and we’ll get the info out as soon as possible. We strive to make this conference of great value for all who attend. We can’t wait to see you in 2025!