On a beautiful morning filled with joy and reverence, our church family in Beirut gathered to witness an extraordinary testimony of God’s love and transforming power. It was the baptism of Kurt, the first special needs child to come to our church back in 2010 as a seven-year-old with severe autism.

From the beginning, the church embraced Kurt and his family with open arms, walking alongside them in faith. Over the years, we witnessed God’s hand at work, transforming not only Kurt but also his family as they deepened their relationship with him. Kurt was not just a recipient of God’s grace – he became the catalyst for his family’s faith journey. His presence and needs were the reason his parents met God, and their lives were changed from a marriage in turmoil to a powerful testimony of God’s restoration. They now lead a special needs ministry called “The Proud Souls” ministry, helping other families like theirs to see God in their challenges. Today, almost 10 families attend church regularly, finding hope and healing through their example.

Kurt’s father led his children by example, kneeling in daily prayer. His mother clung to the powerful promise of Hebrews 4:12: “For the word of God is alive and active.” She boldly prayed that as she opened the Bible with her son, God would move in his heart. Despite the challenges, she trusted in the Lord and modified her Bible studies to meet Kurt’s unique needs.

Recently, after completing their studies, she asked Kurt if he thought he should be baptized. With a simple yet heartfelt “uh-hum,” he confirmed his desire. Though his parents hesitated and postponed the decision, God made it clear that it was time.

On the day of his baptism, the church was filled with those who had witnessed Kurt’s incredible journey, from a nonverbal child on the spectrum to a young man transformed by the love of God.

The service was marked by overwhelming joy and tears as Kurt’s story was shared. His mother played a praise song she had recorded, a heartfelt offering to thank God for his goodness. As Kurt entered the water, it felt like more than just a baptism – it was a celebration, a spiritual wedding day where God’s precious child was united with Christ in his death and resurrection.

The morning was a profound reminder that our Lord is still the Lord of miracles. Kurt’s obedience to God’s plan of salvation brought honor to him and glory to God. People from all backgrounds came together to witness this sacred moment, united in awe of God’s transformative power.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” – 2 Corinthians 5:17,

What a miraculous day it was—a day of faith, love, and hope renewed in the presence of our Savior.