53 speakers. 30+ classes. 12 topics. One conference.
The clock is ticking! Only days remain to secure your seat at the lowest possible price of $35. If you have not yet registered, go here to do so now: https://belovedanddignified.com
Not your typical church conference: Taking place on March 28th and 29th, Beloved and Dignified is a bi-annual, online-only conference. All of the planning team members are also members of the International Churches of Christ (ICOC), but unlike most ICOC conferences, there is no one “sponsoring church” for this event. Instead, this event is a grassroots effort! We are a group of women who either facilitate or participate in various support groups across four different continents. The experiences in these groups planted the seed for this conference. We realized two things:
- That the testimonies and lessons learned in the valleys could potentially help not just our own local churches, but also women all over the world, and
- That the online format is perfect for this conference, in that it will keep the costs low and remove the barriers of finances and travel for many.
This two-day conference is open to all women who would like to attend, regardless of religious background or affiliation. As a parting gift, all attendees also receive a PDF book that summarizes all speaker testimonies and provides additional resources.
There are some exciting new additions to our website!
1) Plan your schedule: We are excited to announce the the full conference schedule has been posted! New this year, we have incorporated filters to allow you to navigate the classes and topics and plan your schedule. Click here here to view all classes and topics.
2) Meet our speakers: 53 brilliant women who are excited to share their stories. Our women come from all walks of life and live all over the world. From college students to career women to grandparents, these diverse ladies all have in common a passion to lift up and encourage others who are going through their own “sheols” of life, and help them find God even in the valleys. Click here to view our speakers.
Looking forward to seeing you March 28th and 29th! Register now before the price increases on January 13th: https://belovedanddignified.com