We are offering the virtual Pure and Simple Conference free of charge to those who live outside the USA! As you may know, this event brings powerful and practical messages and resources to those who desire to be free from unwanted behaviors and to those who are in need of healing from trauma and addiction. The attached list of teachers and classes will give you a better idea of what this conference is about. For the first time, we are hosting a Spanish version of the conference with Spanish speakers rather than translators.

The keynote speeches and the first three classes on the list will be broadcast live (Eastern Standard Time), and links to all of the messages will eventually be sent to you.

Please take a look at the attached list of topics and if the Holy Spirit prompts you, please register at www.pureandsimpleministry.org. You can also use the above QR code to lead you to the registration page. You will receive the links to the conference before it begins on November 8th. Please also pass this information to your church leaders and friends.