On November 5, 2023, with the theme of Glory in the Church, The Knoxville Church held its 30th anniversary service highlighted by the appointment of the first elders in the history of the church. The Spirit moved powerfully, as over 200 in attendance included the 70 current members, local visitors, and many former members from the Knoxville area and around the country. The Spirit was evident and ablaze in the fellowship, singing, prayer, warmth, and preaching (thanks CJ Wakefield) as some said, “I felt like I was in a seminar!” and “This is amazing.” and “Just wow!” Many from the original mission team came, including Bill and Amanda Burke who led the church planting in 1993. Brothers and sisters from all over the United States, friends, family, and brothers and sisters from East Tennessee were able to connect, re-connect, and be inspired by what God has been doing in the Knoxville Church.
The last two years have been a tremendous time of renewal and growth for the Knoxville Church. Since the church has been without any full-time paid ministry staff, the congregation has united to offer everyone’s unique gifts, talents, heart, and energy to build up the body. With much prayer, tremendous collaboration within the Knoxville Church, and the invaluable outside assistance and counsel of Steve Staten and Steve Brown, Bill Graham and Dan Downs have been raised up by God to serve as elders, receiving universal approval from the church.
The Knoxville church continues to prayerfully seek full-time paid ministers to lead the congregation, especially at the University of Tennessee and all of our college campuses, but the body continues to be faithfully and lovingly served by all the disciples in the church, the family group leaders, and the Core Leadership Team, as we are convinced we’re all ministers of the New Covenant. God’s Spirit is alive and well in Knoxville and the church is excited to see what God does in 2024 and beyond. It’s thrilling to see Glory in the Church!