Greetings from Rocky Mountain School of Ministry and Theology! Our 100% online graduate, certificate, and audit course Registration for Spring 2025 is now open.
We are here for the biblical education of our ICOC leaders and others who want to understand God’s Word and its application worldwide! We offer several Master’s degrees and anyone can audit for only $50 per course.

Here below are the courses being offered this Spring 2025. Please register today. You can register for the English courses by clicking here. To register for the Spanish Courses, please click here.
RMSMT Spring 2025 English and Spanish Courses and Descriptions
(* = Transferrable to LSOCC)
1. CH600 Church History with Dr. Steve Kinnard (Jan 19- Mar 22)
This course surveys the history of the Christian Church from its inception in the first century AD to today. This class will also be a completely online course with video lectures from Dr. Kinnard, online discussion, and other assignments. For this course students should plan on working about 18 hours per week for the duration of the nine weeks.
*2. CT611 Introduction to Christian Theology with Dr. Trevor Cochell (Jan 19-May 10)
This course surveys Christian theology and doctrine in the Bible both from an historical perspective as well as a systematic perspective. It is an introduction to the key biblical beliefs that define the historic Christian faith (e.g. God, Christ, Holy Spirit, humanity, sin, salvation, etc.), with attention given to the credibility of such beliefs.
*3. NT600 Introduction to the New Testament with Dr. Courtney Bailey (Jan 19-April 26)
This class is a critical introduction to the background, content, and interpretation of every book in the New Testament. Special attention will be given to New Testament history, criticism, literature, canon, and theology and how these disciplines contribute to the understanding and application of Scripture to life today.
4. NT635 Pastoral Epistles with Dr. Courney Bailey (Jan 19-April 12)
This class is an exegetical study of the English text of one or more of the Pauline writings with attention to the theological themes, structures, historical setting, and interpretation of selected portions. This course will involve an exegesis of the NT letters of 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus (the “Pastoral Epistles” /“PE”), including a detailed examination of the historical, literary, and social context of these letters. Special emphasis will be given to the Pastoral Epistles’ treatment of church polity and the role of women, and to approaches to the interpretation and application of the Pastoral Epistles for the contemporary church.
*5. OT611 Hebrew Exegesis with Dr. Rolan Monje. You must have successfully taken OT 610 to take this class. Auditing is not allowed (Jan 19-May 10)
This course builds upon the basics of grammar and vocabulary of Biblical Hebrew learned in OT610. It assumes a basic reading knowledge of Hebrew prose. Prerequisite: OT610 (Biblical Hebrew Basics).
6. PC680/CCC4 Depression, Anxiety, and Mental Health Counseling with Dr. Gregg Marutzky (Jan 19-May 10)
This course attempts provides an understanding of depression and anxiety from a spiritual, social, clinical, and physical perspective. The students will explore Biblical, scientific, and theological approaches to increasing the spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being of people. An overview of Mental Health Counseling will be presented including gaining an understanding of numerous specific applications will be made for anxiety and depression which, are two of the most common mental disorders. The most common clinical approach for treating anxiety and depression includes Cognitive Behavioral Therapy which will be presented from a Christian perspective including changing cognition through Christian spirituality. The students’ own lives and experiences are seen as a base for developing competence in a healing counseling ministry.
7. SF606/CSF6 The Art of Spiritual Leadership (Spirituality and Leadership) with Dr. Robert Carrillo (Jan 19- April 27)
This course explores the spiritual, biblical, and theological dimensions of Christian leadership, focusing on spirituality in personal, and ministry contexts. We will investigate the intersection of leadership and spirituality, reviewing a comprehensive array of knowledge and practices that foster both spiritual growth in Christ and effective leadership principles. Additionally, the course will examine the stages of a leader’s spiritual journey and development. Ultimately, students will be equipped to cultivate their own approach to spiritual leadership.
8. SF610/CH606/CSF10 The History of Christian Spirituality with Dr. Steve Kinnard. TBA.
Christian spirituality has a rich tradition beginning with Jesus and Paul and going through the last two thousand years to Howard Thurman and Ruth Burrows. Spiritual writers are like poets and prophets, they call the church to look in mirror and see if she reflects the image of God. This course will explore such movements as monasticism, mysticism, pietism, quietism, and Puritanism. It will also see how various spiritual movements informed Christian denominations like the Methodist church, the Pentecostal church, the Greek Orthodox Church, and the Roman Catholic Church.
9. SF680/CT680/CM680 The Theology and Practice of Biblical Discipleship in the Age of the Reign of God with Dr. Glenn Giles (Jan 19-May 10)
This course focuses on the theology and practice of biblical discipleship, including a study of discipleship in the New Testament, discipleship to Jesus, and relationship as a theological center of the Bible. It also includes practical skills in two-way experiential relationship with God and one another, skills for thriving discipleship maturity, skills in experiencing joy with God and one another, skills in being in step with the Holy Spirit and His leading, and skills in joining with God to create a gentle, kind, humble, loving, safe, hesed community in Christ.
10. US500 Intro to RMSMT and Graduate Study: Required of all new students with Dr. Glenn Giles (Jan 5-18)
This is a required course for every Master’s level course. This is a non-credit, two-week, pass/fail orientation course to provide an overview of online learning, expectations of the student, an introduction to our online learning management system, an introduction to research and writing skills including Turabian format, MTS programs and policies, our relationship with Lincoln Seminary at Ozark Christian College (LSOCC), and delineating helps in preparing the student for successful completion of his or her degree here at MTS. The student(excluding audit-only students) must pass this course before taking other courses at MTS.
11. US500.1 Introducción a los Estudios de Posgrado. Impartido por Arturo Elizarraras and Dr. Glenn Giles (5 de enero – 18 de enero)
Este es un curso requerido para todos los cursos de nivel maestría. Este es un curso sin créditos, de dos semanas, de orientación aprobación / no aprobación para proveer un panorama del aprendizaje en línea, las expectativas del estudiante, una introducción a nuestro sistema de gestión de aprendizaje en línea, una introducción a la investigación y a las habilidades de escritura incluyendo el formato Turabian, los programas y las políticas del MTS y delinear ayudas para preparar al estudiante para una consumación exitosa de su grado aquí en el MTS. El estudiante (con excepción de los oyentes) deben aprobar este curso antes de tomar otros cursos en el MTS. Este curso es en línea e inicia el domingo 05 de enero del 2025 y termina el sábado 18 de enero del 2025. Este curso NO es transferible y cuesta $25.00 USD.
12. SF/CT/CM680.1 La teología y la práctica del discipulado bíblico en la era del Reino de Dios Impartido por Dr. Glenn Giles and Arturo Elizarraras.
Este curso se enfoca en la teología y práctica del discipulado bíblico, incluyendo un estudio del discipulado en el Nuevo Testamento, el discipulado de Jesús, y las relaciones como el centro teológico de la Biblia. También incluye habilidades prácticas en dos relaciones experienciales, con Dios y con otros, habilidades para desarrollar la madurez en el discipulado, habilidades en experimentar alegría con Dios y unos con otros, habilidades en ir al paso con el Espíritu Santo y su liderazgo, y habilidades en unirse a Dios para crear una comunidad amable, bondadosa, humilde, amorosa, segura, y hesed en Cristo.
Hope to see you soon. To apply please click here to download the application.