We are excited to announce that applications are now open for Chance of a Lifetime (COAL) season 5! Season 5 begins May 2025 – August 2026. Over the last four years, we have seen 50 young men and women take on an exciting adventure to serve God for 15 months on COAL. Past participants have served in Boston, Mexico, India, Germany, Nigeria, South Africa and the Philippines. 

COAL consists of three phases over the course of 15 months:

Phase 1

Phase 1 starts at Hope for Kids camp, where each COAL participant will be a part of Hope for Kids full-time summer staff. They will have opportunities to mentor youth within Philadelphia and the American Commonwealth Region (ACR) family of churches. Additionally, participants will have opportunities to work alongside various ministers and develop leadership skills as they run various faith-based programs for youth and families. Phase 1 is a time of building deep bonds and friendships that will last a lifetime. 

Phase 2

In phase 2 participants will spend nine months training as ministry interns in either Gainesville, Florida, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, or with RevivEE in Eastern Europe. Participants will have the opportunity to work as a team as they receive ministry training from ministers and build youth, campus, and young professional ministries. Phase 2 is a faith-building phase that leaves participants with valuable skills to help build God’s kingdom for years to come. 

Phase 3 

Phase 3 is the last three months of the COAL adventure. Participants will be outside the US, getting to be a part of our incredible international family and to help build up God’s church in another part of the world. 

In all three phases, participants will be challenged, inspired, and prepared to serve God more meaningfully! Are you ready to take an adventure for God? If so, apply today and see what God has in store for you in 2025! 

Spots are limited, so apply for your Chance of a Lifetime today!

To apply please visit  https://www.hopeforkids.org/coal-application.

All applicants must provide two references, one being their current ministry leader. Once your application and recommendations are received, our team will review them, and you will be notified of your status. For those invited to an interview, interviews will take place in January of 2025.

For questions, please contact Isaiah Young at [email protected]