Editor’s Note: Donell (48 years old) and Kalesita (44 years old) met on DT Heart & Soul (DTHS). Donell is an educator from Houston, TX and Kalesita is a stylist from Auckland, New Zealand via Suva, Fiji. In March 2023, Donell sent the first message to her  through the DTHS app, followed by their first video date. They started dating soon after, were engaged in early August and got married June 14, 2024. 

In their own words…

Donell: In February 2023, it was my first time signing up for DTHS and I didn’t have any fears or insecurities signing up. I was open and excited to and didn’t hesitate to join the app once I was ready. 

I first noticed her beautiful Fijian look with her Afro and Frangipani flower in her ear. I also noticed she was looking for someone who was “emotionally mature” as I was looking for the same thing. Additionally, her artistic flare when she took photos caught my eye and intrigued me. 

I had to put aside my initial thoughts about what I thought would be the best qualities for me in a partner. I surrendered to being a friend first with no initial motive for romance. From there, God made it clear to me that I needed to meet Kalesita where she was emotionally, at the time, and care for her as my sister in Christ first and foremost. God allowed the rest to fall into place in its proper time; his timing and not mine. He has blessed me with more than I had imagined when I was encouraged to join DTHS. To God be the glory!

Kalesita: I signed up for DTHS during the launch in 2010. When Donell messaged me I wasn’t actively on DTHS or subscribed, but for some reason I received his message notification.

What I noticed first about him was his kindness and self-control. I had just lost my father and was not as emotionally available as I had assumed. I could tell Donell was eagerly pursuing me, yet he offered me the space that I needed while still making his intentions gently known. He treaded carefully around the broken pieces of my heart. My emotional rollercoaster at times didn’t move him. Furthermore, friends this is where it gets real, real supernatural. I had written a finalized list of what I wanted in my husband. It was specific. Everything that Donell did, without him knowing, was checked off on that list and I didn’t tell him until we were dating. He didn’t try to win my affections. He was just himself. We were friends. He wasn’t trying to be my “future” and I appreciated that. 

They share: 

  • Have a handful of trusted, God-fearing brothers and sisters around you to lean on and get open with.
  • Always be prayerful and rooted in God’s word and be good friends first. 
  • This isn’t about you finding your future husband or best friend, it’s about your relationship with God and how he wants to grow you. 

Thank you to DTHS for creating the opportunity God had for us!

DTHS Editors: Donell and Kalesita, thank you for sharing your story with all your brothers and sisters!